Saturday, 11 February 2012

Group Diary for 2012

8 January 2012: Galactic Astrology

This month's talk will be led by Moragh Mason. Moragh will be looking at the astrology of Deep Space, taking her inspiration from Philip Sedgwick's book on the same topic. This is new ground for the group and is bound to be a thought-provoking session.

29 January 2012: Social Event at The George Meeting House, South Street

Please join us for our monthly social get together at The George on South Street, Exeter. We meet at 5:30PM. Current, new and past members are welcome.

12 February 2012: Uranus and Pluto: Aspects in the Charts of Famous People

Louise Vergette-Lynn will be talking about the pairing of Uranus and Pluto in the natal chart, with reference to the horoscopes of famous people and celebrities. These two transpersonals make for a fascinating and deep connection in the horoscope, with individuals such as Kurt Cobain having the mid-sixties conjunction.

26 February 2012: Social Event at The George Meeting House, South Street

Please join us for our monthly social get together at The George on South Street, Exeter. We meet at 5:30PM. Current, new and past members are welcome.

11 March 2012: The Uranus-Pluto Story So Far....

Dharmaruci, who writes the excellent AstroTableTalk blog, will be talking at the Exeter Astrology Group on the topic of the Uranus-Pluto square unfolding. We are living through dramatic times, with revolutions in the Middle East, economic slowdown, if not meltdown, in the West, and the inexorable rise of Asian economies. Hear what Dharmaruci has to say about these events in an astrological context.

25 March 2012: Social Event at The George Meeting House, South Street

Please join us for our monthly social get together at The George on South Street, Exeter. We meet at 5:30PM. Current, new and past members are welcome.

14 April 2012: Bernadette Brady - Predictive Astrology

Bernadette Brady, one of the world's leading astrologers, will be speaking in Exeter in April 2012. Exeter Astrology Group invites you to attend this rare opportunity to hear Bernadette talk on Predictive Astrology.

Event Details

Date: Saturday 14 April 2012

Time: 10:00AM-4:00PM

Booking Details

Cost of the event: £15:00 (by cheque) in advance (£20.00 cash on arrival after 31 March 2012 - telephone Louise to confirm availability before arriving)

To book for this special event, please contact our Bookings Administrator, Louise Vergette-Lynn, by email or by phone on 01392 671164.

For more details please see our Special Events page.

Please note that this all day seminar with Bernadette Brady replaces our usual Sunday meeting in April.

29 April 2012: Social Event at The George Meeting House, South Street

Please join us for our monthly social get together at The George on South Street, Exeter. We meet at 5:30PM. Current, new and past members are welcome.

13 May 2012: Chinese Astrological Signs

Jennie Fernyhough will be leading this session looking at Chinese astrology, specifically the zodiacal signs used in this system. This is our first look at Chinese astrology in the group.

27 May 2012: Social Event at The George Meeting House, South Street

Please join us for our monthly social get together at The George on South Street, Exeter. We meet at 5:30PM. Current, new and past members are welcome.

10 June 2012: The Folk Soul and the National Chart

Moragh Mason, one of our reglar contributers, will be looking primarily at the mundane UK charts to see what they can (and what they can't) tell us about the folk-soul of the nation and its links to the land. She'll also be considering whether particular States emerge by chance or design.

24 June 2012: Social Event at The George Meeting House, South Street

Please join us for our monthly social get together at The George on South Street, Exeter. We meet at 5:30PM. Current, new and past members are welcome.

8 July 2012: The Astrology of Jean-Baptiste Morin

Maggie Anthony will be presenting a talk on the work of Jean-Baptiste Morin, the seventeenth century French astrologer. Morin's work is currently being re-discovered as a central part of the Western astrological canon.

From Wikipedia:

Perhaps most famous for his work as an astrologer, towards the end of his life Morin completed Astrologia Gallica ("French Astrology"), a treatise which he did not live to see in print. The 26 books of intricate, complex, Latin text were published at the Hague in 1661 as one thick folio 850 pages long. The work covers natal, judicial, mundane, electional and meteorological astrology, and parts that are most concerned with astrological techniques (as compared to theological discussion on which they are based) have been translated or paraphrased into French, Spanish, German, and English.

At least among English-speaking astrologers, Morin is known as having been particularly concerned with prediction through methodical extrapolation of what is promised in the natal chart. His techniques were directions, solar and lunar return, and he regarded transits a subsidiary technique though one key to accurate timing of events nonetheless.

Morin challenged much of classical astrological theory, including the astrology of Ptolemy, in an attempt to present a solid set of tools while rendering reasons for and against particular techniques, some of which may be considered crucial to many astrologers before and during Morin’s lifetime. At the same time, Morin vested himself heavily in promoting in mundo directions, a technique largely based on the work of Regiomontanus that became available thanks to then-recent advancement in mathematics. In his work, Morin provides examples of successful delineation of events that otherwise could not be delineated with the same relative degree of certainty.

29 July 2012: Social Event at The George Meeting House, South Street

Please join us for our monthly social get together at The George on South Street, Exeter. We meet at 5:30PM. Current, new and past members are welcome.

10 August 2012: Annual Summer Social Event

In August we don't have a regular Sunday afternoon seminar session. However we will be arranging a social event. Details will be published closer to the time.

Further regular meetings are planned for 2012 - please check back later.

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