The Spring Equinox this year is on 20 March at 11:43:39 UT. The chart above shows the moment set for Exeter, UK.
The dominant feature of this chart is the Sun-Pluto square at the beginning of Aries-Capricorn. Pluto is the planet associated with deep transformation, and the entry of the Sun into the seasonal quarters during 2008-2010 will highlight the transformational qualities of our time.
Locally, the Moon is setting, and Mercury is high in the chart on the MC. In the southwest of England, the long-running Saturn-Uranus opposition is aligned with meridian. The planet Saturn lies close to the IC, on the fourth house cusp, for Exeter.
This chart neatly shows the high tension that has characterised the northern winter months with Saturn facing all the other planets and Sun across the zodiac. Now that the Sun has moved passed the opposition to Saturn, a more balanced perspective will be available as the Mercury, Venus and Mars move, with the Sun, through the zodiac.
The only counterpoint, apart from Saturn, to the heavyweight transpersonal planets, Chiron and Jupiter that has been available since the conjunction of Sun and Pluto at the Winter Solstice 2008, has been the rapidly moving Moon. The following chart, set for the Winter Solstice, Exeter, shows this well:

Note the conjunction of Sun and Pluto, at the midheaven for Exeter at the Solstice, with Saturn and Uranus lying across the horizon.
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